9 June 2021 4457

Alise Fakhrutdinova: "My goal is to prepare perfectly for the Olympics"

On the eve of the World Championship in modern pentathlon, which will be held in Cairo from 8 to 14 June this year, the athlete of the national team of Uzbekistan in modern pentathlon Alise Fakhrutdinova told about her preparation and tasks for the upcoming championship.

– How do you assess the state of your preparation for the World Cup?
– At the moment, I rate my fitness as average. I don't have many injuries yet, and the 2021 World Cup will be my first start of the season. There is also very little time left before the Olympic Games, and I understand that I need to get back to my high fitness faster.

– What goal did you set for yourself before this championship?
– Our team has set a lot of goals, but my main goal is to return to competitive practice as soon as possible after a break of almost two years and, of course, to gain experience before the Olympic Games.

– How was your preparation for the World Cup? What did you pay the most attention to?
– All classes went according to plan. Since fencing and shooting are my strengths in modern pentathlon, we focused on improving my functional posture in running and swimming.

– You missed both stages of the World Cup due to injury, how was your recovery period?
- The recovery period was very difficult. This took a long time and required a lot of work. Doctors and coaches helped me with this. They are masters of their craft. Great importance was attached to the handshake of close people. The complications of the injury prevented me from entering the regime, but we overcame them and are now preparing for the full program.

– How did the fact that you could not take part in major competitions affect you?
- Injury puts pressure on any athlete both physically and mentally. It wasn't easy during the injury period. But at the same time, everything was left behind. Thank you to the people who helped us through this difficult journey.

– What will you do after the 2021 World Cup? Where will the pre-Olympic training camp be held? Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your plans? What were your plans before that and how much have they changed?
For me, the main task is to continue training without a break. And my goal is to get to the Olympics in the best possible way. The pre-Olympic training camps are held in Moscow, because we are used to the conditions there and pay all our attention to productive work. COVID-19 has not spared anyone, including us. The competition was canceled, and the dates and addresses were changed. Of course, the preparation plan for Tokyo-19 before and after COVID-2020 is also significantly different.

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