
The National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan is a non-governmental non-profit organization that carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Olympic Charter of the International Olympic Committee and the Charter of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan.

The National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan performs a number of important functions for the development of physical culture and sports in the republic. The main functions of the NOC can be divided into internal and external.

Internal functions include: development of the Olympic Movement in Uzbekistan on the basis of the principles laid down in the Olympic Charter; promotion of physical and spiritual education of the population of the republic; participation in the development of mass physical culture and sports; national sports, sports among the disabled, assistance to state and public physical culture and sports organizations in the preparation of national teams of the country and sports reserves; education of young people on the principles of fair wrestling, noble attitude to the opponent in the spirit of mutual understanding and friendship between peoples; promotion of the ideas of Olympism in Uzbekistan, familiarization of the public with the achievements of athletes of the Republic of Uzbekistan, development of Olympic education; organization of conferences, seminars, courses for the exchange of experience and advanced training of sports personnel; participation in the creation of foundations and charitable organizations in support of sports; protection of the interests of athletes, coaches, sports judges, sports veterans.

External functions are no less diverse: strengthening the positions and increasing the prestige of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international arena; representation of the country's delegations at the Olympic, Asian, World Youth and Central Asian Games; development of sports cooperation with the IOC, OCA, national Olympic committees of other countries, international sports associations; participation in the IOC “Olympic Solidarity " programs; assistance to republican sports federations and organizations to enhance their participation in the work of international sports associations; conducting business contacts with foreign institutions, organizations and firms on issues within the competence of the NOC of Uzbekistan; representing the interests of sports organizations and the Olympic Movement of Uzbekistan in international organizations; membership in international (non-governmental) associations in accordance with the legislation of our country; establishing direct international contacts and relations, concluding agreements with sports associations of countries and regions.

The implementation of internal functions began to be carried out from the moment of the establishment of the NOC of Uzbekistan on January 21, 1992. The full implementation of international activities became possible with the full recognition of our National Olympic Committee by the International Olympic Committee at its 101st session in September 1993.

The National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan consists of:

  • President, General Secretary and Vice-Presidents of the NOC of Uzbekistan;
  • Members of the International Olympic Committee residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • National sports federations that are members of international federations whose sports are included in the program of the Olympic Games or their representatives, who must constitute a majority of the votes of the NOC and its Executive Committee. The NOC may not recognize more than one national federation for each of the sports governed by such an ICF;
  • Representatives of federations in non-Olympic and national sports;
  • Representatives of sports organizations of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent who are democratically nominated at general meetings of sports organizations;
  • Representatives of state bodies governing physical culture and sports, voluntary sports societies and departments;
  • Representatives of athletes participating in the upcoming or previous Olympic Games (however, the latter are excluded from the list of elected athletes by the end of the third Olympic
  • Games after the last Olympic Games in which they participated);
  • President of the National Olympic Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Representatives of the Federation of Sports Journalists;
  • Individuals-citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who contribute to successful activities or make a significant contribution to the development of the Olympic Movement (outstanding figures of culture, science, public figures, etc.);
  • Honorary members of the NOC of Uzbekistan;
  • Representatives of organizations that provide material and financial support for the activities of NOC.

The governing bodies of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan are:

  • The General Assembly;
  • Executive Committee (Executive Committee);
  • Executive Committee Bureau.

The General Assembly
The competence of the General Assembly includes:

  • Consideration of issues related to the development of the Olympic Movement in the Republic of Uzbekistan and making appropriate decisions on them;
  • Making decisions on the nomination of cities of the republic as candidates for the Olympic, Asian Games and other sports events held under the patronage of the IOC or OCA;
  • Approval of the programs of activity of the NOC of Uzbekistan for the upcoming period;
  • Review and evaluation of reports on the activities of the Executive Committee and the Audit Commission of the NOC for the reporting year and four-year period;
  • Making decisions on membership in the NOC of Uzbekistan;
  • Election of the President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, members of the Executive Committee and the Audit Commission;
  • Recognition of Republican sports federations and equivalent associations (associations);
  • The General Assembly is held at least once a year;
  • Every four years, in the year following the next summer Olympic Games, the reporting and elective General Assembly of the NOC of Uzbekistan is held, at which the report of the
  • Executive Committee is heard, and the elections of the governing bodies are held;
  • The General Assembly has the right to take decisions only if at least half of its members are present and only on issues included in the agenda;
  • Decisions are made by open or secret voting by a simple majority of the votes of the NOC members present. When issues related to the Olympic Games are resolved, only the votes of the members of the Executive Committee of the NOC and representatives of international federations for sports included in the Olympic Games program are taken into account.

Executive Committee
In the period between the General Assemblies, the activities of the NOC of Uzbekistan are managed by the Executive Committee, the number of which is determined by the General Assembly.

The Executive Committee of the NOC of Uzbekistan includes:

  • President
  • Vice-Presidents
  • General Secretary
  • Members of the Executive Committee

The duties of the Executive Committee include:

  • Ensuring compliance with this Charter;
  • Determination of the agenda, date and venue of the General Assembly;
  • Approval of the budget, financial and administrative rules of the NOC of Uzbekistan, as well as monitoring their compliance;
  • Approval of the list of permanent commissions, determination of the scope of their activities and competence;
  • Implementation of the instructions of the General Assembly;
  • Preparation of proposals for the recognition of new members of the NOC of Uzbekistan, for encouraging members of the NOC and for the adoption of sanctions against members of the
  • NOC of Uzbekistan in case of violations of the requirements of this Charter;
  • Consideration of the conditions for concluding contracts, contracts, agreements and other transactions concluded by the NOC of Uzbekistan;
  • Consideration and decision-making on the preparation and participation of the national teams of Uzbekistan at the Olympic, Asian Games and other complex international competitions held under the auspices of the IOC and the OCA;
  • Making decisions on the application of athletes proposed by the relevant republican sports federations. Ensuring compliance (in all respects) of applications proposed by sports federations with the provisions of the Olympic Charter;
  • Organization of equipment, travel and accommodation of members of sports delegations;
  • Conclusion of agreements on accident insurance (disability, death, illness, medical and pharmaceutical expenses) and civil liability to third parties in favor of the members of the delegations. Is responsible for the behavior of the members of the sports delegation;
  • The Executive Committee holds its meetings as needed, but at least three times a year, and can also be convened by the decision of the President of the NOC or at the request of less than 1/3 of the members of the Executive Committee;
    The Executive Committee has the right to make decisions only if at least half of its members are present at the meeting;
  • Decisions are made by open voting, by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Executive Committee present. If the votes are equal, the President's vote is decisive.
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