Chairman: Achilbay Dzhumaniyazovich Ramatov
First Deputy Chairman: Saken Dzhetibayevich Polatov
General Secretary: Mamadaliev Murodjon Yulchievich
Date of foundation: 1992
Address: 116 Turab Tula str., Tashkent, 100066
Phone: +998712457015
Chairman: Bobozhonov Pulat Razzokovich
General Secretary: Alimov Farkhod
Date of foundation: 1991
Address: Tashkent, Shaikhantakhur district, 3
Phone: +998909565419
Chairman: Sanokulov Kuvondik Sanokulovich
General Secretary: Matkhalikov Ismail Ikramovich
Date of foundation: 1992
Address: Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Lutfi str. 4, 38
Phone number: +998909592296
Chairman: Kamilov Azizjon Yakubzhanovich
General Secretary: Sobirov Aziz
Date of foundation: 1991
Address: Tashkent city, Shaikhontokhursky district, 7a
Phone: +998712326231
Chairman: Rakhimov Botir Ikramzhanovich
General Secretary: Kamilov Sardor Botirovich
Date of foundation: 1999
Address: Tashkent, Asaka St., 14
Telephone: +998712372554
Chairman: Hidoyatov Sherzod Saidzhanovich
First Deputy Chairman: Shakhrullo Sharipovich Makhmudov
Date of foundation: 2001
Address: Tashkent city, Almazar district, Almazar massif, house 15/1
Phone: +998712455590
Chairman: Abdusamatov Maqsud Abduvaliyevich
General Secretary: Gulnara Tulkunovna Saidova
Date of foundation: 1992
Address: 98 Islam Karimov str., Tashkent city
Phone: +998711477171
Chairman: Kurbonov Bakhodir Nizomovich
First Deputy Chairman: Irmatov Ravshan Saifutdinovich
General Secretary: Avaz Parkhatovich Maksumov
Date of foundation: 1992
Address: 98a Islam Karimov str., Tashkent, 100011
Phone: +998712309042
Chairman: Gaziyev Bahrom Valijonovich
The General Secretary: Shodikhodzhaev Alokhzha Alikhodzhaevich
Date of foundation: 1997
Address: Tashkent city, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Mingurik str., 1-a
Phone: +998 907523333
Chairman: Akmalkhoja Yusupovich Mavlanov
First Deputy Chairman: Khakimov Andrey Abduvalievich
Secretary General: Ruzmukhammedov Kamoliddin Fakhriddinovich
Year of foundation: 1993
Address: 98 Islam Karimov St., Tashkent,
Contact: +998712411381
Chairman: Kudbiev Sherzod Davlyatovich
Secretary General: Mukaddasova Gavkharkhan Nodirkhanovna
Year of foundation: 1993
Address: Tashkent, Istiqlol street, 15.
Contact: +998991153030
Chairman: Kudratov Avazjon Kurtallaevich
Secretary General: Tashmukhamedov Rustam
Year of foundation: 1994
Contact: +998900960004
Chairman: Tashmatov Sherzod Rikhsibaevich
Secretary General: Mamadaliev Murodjon
Year of foundation: 1992
Address: Tashkent, Seoul St., 7
Contacts: +998712456451
Chairman: Islamov Bobur Farhadovich
General Secretary: Vyacheslav Sergeevich Diedrich
Year of foundation: 2009
Address: Tashkent, Zulfiyahonim St., 93
Contact: +998712412245
Chairman: Safoev Sadik Solikhovich
General Secretary: Jalilov Kakhramon Khakimovich
Year of foundation: 2001
Address: Tashkent, Istiqlol str., 51,
Contact: +998712072827
Chairman: Rafikov Kudratilla Mirsoatovich
Secretary General: Ruslan Bulatovich Mustaev
Year of foundation: 1992
Address: Tashkent, Chilanzar district, block 7, 21/1
Contact: +998712781302
Chairman: Norboeva Tanzila Kamalovna
Deputy Chairman: Kozim Bakhtiyerovich Urinboykhuzhaev
General Secretary: Tagaimurodov Askar Abduvalievich
Year of foundation: 1994
Address: Tashkent city, Almazar district, Mukhbira street, 12.
Contact: +998712312706
Chairman: Dzhuraev Rustam Mirzaevich
First Deputy Chairman: Ganiev Mamirjon Zhamoldinovich
Secretary General: Kopadze Orkhan Oybek oglu
Year of foundation: 2005
Address: Tashkent, 38 Foziltepa St.
Contacts: +998909796568
Chairman: Halmukhamedov Shukhrat Gayratjanovich
General Secretary: Davranov Mardonbek Farhat oglu
Year of foundation: 1998
Address: Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Akkurgan str., 34
Contacts: +998712351931
Chairman: Yuldashev Nigmatilla Tulkunovich
Deputy Chairman: Ruziev Akhroljon Akhmedovich
Secretary General: Mamadaliev Shukhrat Farkhadovich
Year of foundation: 1998
Address: 139 Buyuk Ipak yuli str., Ulugbek district, Tashkent
Contact: +998712688876
Chairman: Makhmudov Viktor Vladimirovich
Deputy Chairman: Nossirov Farrukh
General Secretary: Elena Kuhn
Year of foundation: 2019
Address: Tashkent, Mustakillik Shokh str., 75
Contact: +998994445565
Chairman: Makhkamov Ilkhom Rustamovich
First Deputy Chairman: Abdulaziz Gulamov
General Secretary: Miradilov Botir Makhkamovich
Year of foundation: 1992
Address: Tashkent, Mirabad district, Temiryulchilar street
Contact: +998909493079
Chairman: Gaziev Bahrom Valizhanovich
Year of foundation: 2017
Address: Tashkent, Amir Temur str., 60
Contacts: +998712358222
Chairman: Mirsoatov Alisher Kudratullayevich
General Secretary: Gafurjonov Alisher Komiljon ugli
Year of foundation: 2011
Address: Tashkent, Yunusabad district, Amir Temur str., 88-a
Contact: +9989712051001
Chairman: Ruzikulov Ulugbek Ubaidullaevich
First Deputy Chairman: Gezal Bahodirovna Muminova
General Secretary: Abduvaliev Timur Andreevich
Year of foundation: 2006
Address: Tashkent city, Yunusabad district, Korkhozhi street, 2-a
Contact: +998712352799
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