21 July 2021 1686

About the article "Tokioga yil olgan yzbekistonlik engil athleticachilar president vada kilgan mukofot pullarini kutishmokda", published by "ozodlik kyshigi"

Regarding the article "Tokioga yil olgan yzbek engil athleticachilari President vada kilgan mukofot pulini kutmokda", published on July 20 by the Uzbek service “Ozodlik Radiosi", the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan officially declares the following:

According to the decision of the Republican Commission for the Preparation of athletes of Uzbekistan for the XXXII Summer Olympic and XVI Paralympic Games of 2020 in Tokyo (Japan), each athlete who has won a license to participate in the Olympic Games receives a one — time prize of 100 million soums, and his coach-50 million soums.

As you know, the athletes of the national team of Uzbekistan have won a total of 71 licenses for the Tokyo Olympics in 17 sports. To date, 64 athletes and their coaches have received the above-mentioned awards in full.

The information given in the article that allegedly "the Olympic Committee and the leadership of the Athletics Federation do not provide athletes and their coaches with cash prizes established by the Presidential Decree" does not correspond to reality.

Firstly, the information that 7 athletes of Uzbekistan will defend the honor of the country at Tokyo 2020 was confirmed by the International Athletics Federation only on July 1 this year. And on the night of July 4 to 5, in accordance with the training program, the athletes of the national team left for Turkey to conduct the final preparatory stage for the Olympics.

Secondly, the Athletics Federation of Uzbekistan appealed to the National Olympic Committee with a request to postpone the solemn ceremony of awarding prizes for licenses to athletes and their coaches for a subsequent period, after returning from the Olympics. This request was justified by the fact that licensees should seriously prepare for the Games in Tokyo, as well as the need to ensure the safety of their health, taking into account the difficult epidemiological situation, protecting them from participating in mass events and not distracting them from the training process. After comprehensive consideration and discussion, this request was approved, and therefore all track and field licensees will certainly receive well-deserved prizes upon their return from Tokyo.

It should be noted that along with the licensees of Tokyo 2020, track and field athletes Svetlana Radzivil (100 million rubles) were rewarded for the significant results achieved at the Olympic , Paralympic and Asian Games. sum by the National Olympic Committee and 100 million rubles. sum by the khokimiyat of Tashkent) and her coach (50 million sum by the National Olympic Committee), Safina Sadullayeva (100 million sum by the khokimiyat of the Syrdarya region), Suhrob Khodjaev (100 million sum by the khokimiyat of Tashkent) and Daria Reznichenko (100 million sum by the khokimiyat of Tashkent). All cash prizes were transferred to the athletes ' bank plastic cards.

Along with the above, within the framework of the systematic support of athletes and coaches organized in the country, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 878 of October 30, 2017, the procedure for the payment of lifetime monthly funds to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympic and Paralympic Games was established, as well as conditions for strengthening their health in sanatorium and health-improving institutions were created.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-5160 dated June 25, 2021, the winners and prize-winners of the upcoming Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games from among Uzbek athletes will be rewarded with one-time cash prizes in the amount of US $ 200,000 (for a gold medal), US $ 100,000 (silver) and US $ 50,000 (bronze).

Press Service of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan

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