16 July 2021 2092

Judoists conduct the final stage of preparation for Tokyo 2020

As you know, the national judo team of Uzbekistan is currently holding the final stage of preparation for the Olympics in the city of Maidzuru. The last days of training are very interesting.

There are only a few days left before the start, and given this, the coaches do not load the athletes too much. The main task is to achieve and maintain the peak of athletic form and improve technical training. In turn, in addition to basic training, athletes play mini-football and other entertaining games.

Today, at the end of training, the deputy chairman of the NOC and the head of the Judo Federation of Uzbekistan, Azizjon Kamilov, who is currently staying in Maidzuru with the judoists, talked with each athlete, asked about their psychological state. The head mentioned that judoists will be among the first to take part in the Olympics, and taking this into account, our Dear President and compatriots expect the first medals in this particular sport.

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