29 June 2021 1851

Ravshan Irmatov discussed long-term plans with professors of UzGUFKS

Under the leadership of the first Deputy Chairman of the NOC Ravshan Irmatov, a conversation based on a scientific approach was held on the further plans of the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports at the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports and improving the performance of athletes of the national team of Uzbekistan in sports. The event was attended by such leading professors as Rashid Matkarimov, Fikret Karimov and Shamil Iseev.

During the meeting, Ravshan Irmatov stressed the relevance of the scientific direction in the preparation of a strong reserve for our national teams and exchanged views on a number of promising plans. In order to increase the success of our national teams in the international arena, such issues as the widespread use of modern scientific achievements, an in-depth analysis of the functional level of athletes during training and competitions, providing the institute's laboratory with the necessary equipment were considered.

The main issue discussed at the meeting was the preparation of our athletes for the Hangzhou-2022 Asian Games and the Paris-2024 Olympic Games. At the end of the conversation, Irmatov expressed that the NOC is always ready to cooperate with specialists and that the contribution of scientists to the success of Uzbek sports is invaluable.

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