18 May 2021 2632

The names of the winners of the fourth stage of the “Global tour”are known

The fourth stage of the “Global tour” show jumping competition has ended in the capital's equestrian club “Universal Jumping Agro”. The best riders of the Republic competed for two days.

We remind you that the "Global tour" consists of 12 stages. The participants who won prizes in the round will take part in international competitions in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, as well as in other European countries.

The first Deputy Chairman of the NOC Ravshan Irmatov also took part in the awarding ceremony of the winners and prize-winners, wishing good luck to the athletes.


Category "A" — 130cm
1. Kurbanov B. — "Sir Stenographer" (the nickname of the horse)
2. Sobirzhonov O. — "Mets VG"
3. Antonovich S. — "Kuasar"

Category "B" — 115cm
1. Musaev M. - "Floyd"
2. Alimdzhanov Kh. - "Prince Cornet"
3. Kamilov U. - "Brand plus"

Category "D" — 120cm
1. Ramzetdinov A. - "Quinted G"
2. Kurbanov B. — "Abadja dos'dorados"
3. Sharipov O. — "Giatris"

Category C (children) — 100cm
1. Shukhratbekov A. — "Jackson"
2. Mirvokhidov M. — "Aragon"
3. Sharipov A. — "Jackson"

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