16 May 2021 2408

Athletes who received the vaccine are under control

As you know, representatives of the delegation of Uzbekistan who will take part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games are gradually receiving a vaccine against coronavirus. According to the rules, a vaccinated person must be under the supervision of doctors for a certain time. Representatives of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports Medicine at the NOC monitor the health of athletes.

The working group, consisting of representatives of the RNPCSM, visited the judo and gymnastics federations, examined the health and well-being of athletes, as well as the changes that occur in their body. Also, the specialists studied the epidemiological state at the bases of the federations and gave appropriate recommendations to doctors.


Representatives of the rhythmic gymnastics team have already received the vaccine during the training camp in Russia. The doctors examined in detail the condition of the girls after the World Cup in Baku, as well as other representatives of the federation who should receive a drug against coronavirus.

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