12 May 2021 2107

The Chairman of the NOC met with judoists after vaccination

As we previously reported, currently representatives of the delegation of Uzbekistan taking part in the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo are receiving a vaccine against coronavirus. According to the plan, representatives of the national judo team received the drug today. The process of vaccination of judoists was observed by the leadership of the NOC. The NOC Chairman Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov, General Secretary Oibek Kasymov and Deputy Chairman of the NOC Saken Polatov were present at the process.


Then there was a meeting with the participation of judoists in the conference hall of the NOC. During the event, Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov talked with the athletes and asked about their plans, health and well-being. It should be noted that before the Olympics, our judoists are waiting for the World Championship, which will be held in Budapest in June. Then the collection of rating points for the Olympic Games will be completed. Currently, the full composition of the men's national team and two representatives of the women's team are in the zone of the Olympic rating permit.

 During the conversation, Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov noted that the preparation of athletes for the Tokyo Olympics is fully supported by the government and wished good luck to the judoists.

It should be noted that today, during the day, about 30 tests were taken from representatives of para-rowing, judo, taekwondo and modern pentathlon, 17 representatives received a drug against coronavirus.

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