12 May 2021 2193

Reaction to the interview of Rustam Tulaganov to the website olamsport.com

Yesterday with the medalist of the Olympic Games in Rio 2016 in boxing Rustam Tulaganov “olamsport.com " an interview in the form of a video was published on the website and its page on the YouTube network. During the conversation, the boxer said that “at the Olympics (meaning Rio 2016), each athlete was given a phone and "daily" money- $ 400 or $ 300. 2 people insisted and wanted to share. I am lying in a serious condition inside. They shared my phone and money. What the hell is this? ... The state has a duty to me ... They didn't pay me an "Olympic scholarship" for 3 years, " he quoted.

It is worth noting that after winning the Olympic Games in Rio 2016, Rustam Tulaganov was awarded a prize fund of 75 thousand US dollars, a Malibu car, a land plot in the Sergeli district of the capital. On the part of our state, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Athlete of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. Also, as he himself said in an interview, he is paid a lifetime monthly allowance, which is paid in accordance with the established procedure to the winner of the Olympics. In addition, in order to support our Olympians during the tightening of quarantine restrictions, funds in the amount of 45 million soums were transferred to his account. Our state pays such great attention to the winners of the Olympic Games. For comparison, in a number of countries around the world where sports are developed, Olympic champions are awarded as follows: Germany-19,500, the United States-25,000, China – 31,400 US dollars. After the Rio 2016 Olympics, even in the UK, neither the Olympic champion nor the prize-winner were paid prize money. So can the state, which creates all conditions for its athletes and provides them with comprehensive support, be indebted to Rustam Tulaganov at the moment?

During the Olympic Games in Rio-2016, Rustam Tulaganov fully paid for the phone and the daily allowance allocated to each athlete. He stressed that the 3-year fee that the NOC must provide is a scholarship paid to encourage representatives of national teams who are preparing for the Olympic Games. After the Rio 2016 Olympics, Rustam Tulaganov did not train with the national team for 10 months. It is quite natural that the athlete may have rested during this period after a long preparation for the Olympics. However, in the subsequent period, he continued the main part of his career in professional boxing and did not get a place in the national team for the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020. Thus, in this regard, there can be no question of the amount that should be paid to him.

The National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan highly appreciates the huge contribution of Rustam Tulaganov to the development of Uzbek sports and, in particular, boxing. Nevertheless, he considers his opinion about the funds that should have been paid to him in the same interview to be unfounded. If our athlete has any other comments and objections to the committee, we ask that he bring them openly, with evidence. The National Olympic Committee declares that it is always ready to listen to the opinion of each of our athletes, coaches and federations, to study emerging problems from the inside. After all, the IOC serves the Uzbek sports family.

At the same time, we remind you that the doors of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan are open to consider the requirements, suggestions and complaints expressed by athletes, study any appeal and give an opinion on it, before publishing such materials in the media, it is advisable to make an official (written) appeal and not forget about such ideas as mutual respect and sports solidarity.

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