4 August 2020 63398

TOP 9 healthy nuts for training

The basic diet of athletes does not provide any, familiar to the inhabitants, goodies. But those who are not the first year in the sport know that strict restrictions are necessarily followed by a prolonged breakdown, which is very difficult to get out of. Therefore, you need to pamper yourself! But do it right.

All nuts contain a large amount of protein, and this alone is a huge plus for vegetarian athletes. In addition, the kernels are rich in trace elements and B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C and PP. But, of course, among such a useful product, you can distinguish champions for snacks.

Peanut. The main product for building muscle mass. Contains antioxidants, potassium and calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese. Increases potency in men and libido in women. It is easily absorbed, and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Walnut. First assistant for injuries. One handful of peeled walnuts contains 91% of the daily value of Omega-3 fatty acid. It restores muscle fibers after training, and accelerates the recovery of the athlete. Unfortunately, acid is not produced by our body, and it can only be obtained from the outside.

Almonds. In comparison with other nuts, almonds contain almost no carbohydrates, but the protein in it is as much as 18%! This is why it is loved not only by athletes, but also by diabetics. A record holder for the content of calcium, magnesium and potassium, almonds quickly restore strength after the most difficult exercises and reduce blood sugar levels. Therefore, the nut can be used as an ambulance if you have eaten something very sweet. Almonds have another magical property: it stimulates the athlete's body to produce dopamine, a mood-boosting hormone.

Cedar nut. It has a unique amino acid composition: it contains a large amount of arginine and linoleic acid. The first one takes part in the synthesis of muscle tissue, and contributes to the rapid recruitment of the "right" volume. Linoleic acid also helps the athlete to restore skeletal muscles. Pine nuts are a real storehouse of vitamins E and P, as well as vitamins of group B. They stabilize the nervous system and improve blood composition.

Hazelnuts. It contains a complete line of B vitamins that can "repair" DNA damage, regulate the digestive and nervous systems. And a handful of hazelnuts contains 86% of the recommended dose of vitamin E. Therefore, this nut is indispensable during weight loss, when the problem of maintaining the elasticity of the skin comes to the fore.

Pistachios. They contain more potassium and vitamin K than any other nuts. Therefore, they are indispensable for maintaining muscle tone. It is pistachios that can help in the case when every workout has already turned into torture, and fatigue and cramps have become constant companions – so the lack of potassium makes itself felt. Rich in pistachios and vitamin B6. This nut has as much of it as beef liver. Thanks to this, pistachios speed up the metabolism and stimulate weight loss.

Cashews. The most low-fat nut. But in its 100 grams there is as much as 82 milligrams of magnesium, which is 21% of the recommended daily allowance by nutritionists. Magnesium allows you to train longer and more effectively, without feeling tired. This macronutrient keeps the athlete's blood pressure at the proper level, calms, prevents muscle spasms and negates the risk of microtrauma during training.

Brazil nut. It contains magnesium and zinc, which have a positive effect on the nervous system. It is rich in selenium, which allows the body to better absorb proteins. Due to the high fat content, Brazil nuts are not useful for everyone: ectomorphs and athletes should pay attention to them during the period of gaining muscle mass.

Nutmeg. In this list, it stands alone, since it is the only one used exclusively as a spice, and not as an independent dish. But even in small doses, nutmeg works wonders: it accelerates the metabolism and the process of burning fat during training. And all this is due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How many nuts can I eat per day?

Unfortunately, nuts are very high in calories. Therefore, you should not mindlessly eat a handful after a handful – the nuts will certainly be deposited on the sides and thighs. On average, without harm to the training process, an athlete needs one, maximum one and a half handfuls of raw, not fried nuts per day, of course, without adding salt. It is optimal that it should be a mix of species.

When is it better to eat nuts, before or after a workout?

Nuts are a protein product, so it is better to use them when the body is resting: after strength training, before going to bed, if there is a need for it. So the protein will be absorbed much better. But it will not be a mistake to take a bag of nuts with you as a snack – this is exactly what bodybuilding coaches advise you to do. And if you have to train on this day, you can add dried fruits and pieces of chocolate to the package. This mixture will effectively saturate the body before serious loads.

Director of the Information and Analytical Department of the NOC Rustam Tuktamishev

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