28 October 2021 1567

Sherzod Tashmatov discussed new plans with the coaching staff

Deputy Chairman of the NOC, Chairman of the WT Taekwondo Association of Uzbekistan Sherzod Tashmatov held a meeting on plans for the new season. The coaching staff of the national team headed by Pavel Khan took part in it.

In 2022, as in all sports, our taekwondo athletes will face a great test. During the conversation, attention was paid to the issues of decent preparation for the upcoming Asian Games, the World Cup, the Grand Prix and other prestigious competitions, the qualification of the main team.

Currently, representatives of our national team are conducting a joint training camp with taekwondo athletes from Kazakhstan and Russia. At the meeting, the coaches noted that in the coming months, through the national championship, which will be held in different age categories, it is planned to select representatives of the main and youth teams, the 2nd composition, who will be able to make them a strong sparring.

Sherzod Tashmatov, in turn, talked with the coaches about preparing for the upcoming local and international training camps, international tournaments in which representatives of our national team will take part, gave appropriate instructions.

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