25 October 2021 1688

Our weightlifters went to the training camp in Turkey and Ukraine

As you know, the World Weightlifting Championship among adults will be held in Tashkent from December 7 to 17 this year. The national team of Uzbekistan went to a training camp abroad to adequately prepare for this competition.

According to the plan, the training will take place in Turkey and Ukraine. First, our representatives will hold a meeting in Antalya until November 11. After that, until December 5, they are making final preparations in the Ukrainian city of Kamenets-Podilskyi. 11 representatives of the main team, 1 coach and 1 masseur were involved in the training camp. Check out the full content:

Sarvar Zafarzhonov
Otakhon of Imams
Doston Yakubov
Mukhammadkadir Toshtemirov
Adhamjon Ergashev
Akbar Juraev
Ruslan Nurudinov
Tursunai Yabbarova
Kumushkhon Fayzullayeva
Rigina Adashbayeva

Coach: Bahrom Mendiboyev
Masseur: Zhambiddin Muslimov

Our team will return to Tashkent on December 6. It should be noted that in preparation for the first World Championship among adults, which will be held in our country, these youth camps will be the main stage.

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