8 October 2021 1701

The Central Asian Mixed Martial Arts Championship will be held in Nukus

As you know, on October 9-10, for the first time, the Central Asian Mixed Martial Arts Championship among amateurs will be held in Nukus.

On February 9, 2020, the Confederation of Mixed Martial Arts of Central Asia was established. Tomorrow's championship is organized by the Confederation of Central Asia, the International Federation of Mixed Martial Arts and the Association of Mixed Martial Arts of Uzbekistan. The competition will be attended by representatives of 5 member countries of the organization - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan.

A press conference was organized today at the Palace of Arts of the Nukus Military Garrison. During the event, the participants asked the organizers the questions they were interested in.

The event was also attended by the guest of honor of the competition — the President of the International Federation of Mixed Martial Arts, Mr. Kenneth Brown. During the press conference, Kerritt Brown expressed that thanks to the attention paid to sports, in particular, to remote regions of the country and the creation of the necessary conditions for athletes, the image of Uzbek sports is rising in the international arena. The event was also attended by students of the Youth Sports School and the COR of Karakalpakstan.

The Central Asian Championship starts tomorrow, October 9. Athletes will take part in the weight categories 52.2 kg, 56.6 kg, 61.2 kg, 65.8 kg, 70.3 kg, 77.1 kg, 83.9 kg, 93 kg, 120 kg and above 120 kg. The competitions will be held in the mAnege sports complex at the 1st Youth Sports School.

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