7 October 2021 1642

The President of the International Federation of Mixed Martial Arts visited the NOC

As you know, on October 9-10, Nukus will host the Central Asian Mixed Martial Arts Championship. The honorary guest of this tournament - the President of the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation, Kerritt Brown, visited the NOC.

The guest arrived in Tashkent today and first of all visited the Committee. He was met by the leadership of the NOC headed by Chairman Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov. Then there was a conversation with the participation of the leaders of the NOC and Kerrit Brown.

"Thanks to the attention paid by our Esteemed President, the number of people involved in sports in the country is increasing. In particular, mixed martial art is one of the favorite areas of our youth. The evidence of this is the success of Uzbek wrestlers at prestigious competitions. The visit of such distinguished guests as you will contribute to the further popularization of this sport," the chairman of the NOC said.

In turn, Brown expressed his opinion.

"I am very grateful that you invited me to Uzbekistan and warmly welcomed me. Sport is always in my heart. I am a former judoka and Olympic medalist myself, and as an athlete I can highly appreciate the attention paid to the field of sports in your country. We can assure that with such progress, Uzbekistan will achieve many successes and reach new heights. And this awakens in me a feeling that in the future we will closely cooperate with Uzbekistan," said Kerritt Brown.

After the conversation, Mr. Brown wrote his warm wishes in the NOC book for the honored guests. At the end, he was presented with memorable gifts from the NOC.

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