27 September 2021 2682

Congratulations to Oybek Narinbayev!

Today the chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan Oybek Narinbayev celebrates his birthday.

Narinbayev Oybek Kabildzhanovich was born on September 27, 1979. In 2000 he graduated from Tashkent State University of Economics, and in 2010 from the Higher School of Business at the Academy of State and Public Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2019, he was elected Chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan. Since April of this year, he has been leading the Geography Society of Uzbekistan.

The National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan congratulates Oybek Narinbayev on his birthday, wishes him good health, success and prosperity.

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