22 September 2021 1722

We are preparing for the Olympic Games in Paris-2024 together with our young modern pentathletes

Meetings dedicated to the analysis of Tokyo 2020 and the discussion of new plans are continuing. In the afternoon, the plans of the Modern Pentathlon Federation of Uzbekistan were discussed.

The event, held under the leadership of the NOC, was attended by Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Sports of Uzbekistan Bahodir Mahsitov, Secretary General of the Federation Ksenia Gulyamova, the leadership of the Republican School of Higher Sportsmanship in Winter and Complex Sports, Russian coach Vadim Chudnovsky.

It should be noted that modern pentathlon is a sport that has expanded the geography of our sport at the Olympic Games. On August 13, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, receiving our athletes who took part in the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020, instructed to refuse the participation of localized athletes in the Olympic Games in Paris 2024. At today's meeting, it was stressed that preparing for the Olympics in Paris with the current young generation of athletes is the main goal.

“If we don't analyze ourselves deeply, we won't be able to achieve significant growth. However, this approach to Paris is wrong. Our pentathletes showed the 30th and 32nd results in Tokyo. This showed our preparation for the Olympics. Now we have to train our young athletes on the world arenas”" said IOC Chairman Rustam Shoabdurakhmanov.

At the meeting, such key issues as the construction of a central base for the training of representatives of our national team, the establishment of the activities of the Federation's branches in all regions were discussed.

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