17 July 2021 2000

The leadership of the NOC wished good luck to the young hockey player Salokhiddin Azimov

A few days ago, we reported that a young hockey player from Uzbekistan, Salohiddin Azimov, signed a contract with the SKA-Yunost club of Russia. Currently, Azimov is in Tashkent and is preparing for the new season. Today, the chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan, Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov, received the young hockey player and expressed his warm wishes to him.

The meeting was attended by First Deputy Chairman of the NOC Ravshan Irmatov, head of the Winter Sports Association of Uzbekistan Iskander Shadiyev, Secretary General of the Ice Hockey Federation of Uzbekistan Shukurullo Karimov, director of the Binokor hockey club Abdumazhid Nosirov, a young hockey player Salohiddin Azimov and his father Alisher Azimov. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, during which the chairman of the NOC expressed his wishes to Salohiddin.

"As a child, we were also fans of hockey. But then there were no such conditions for young people as there are now. You are the happy children of Uzbekistan. Among our young hockey players, you are the first to go abroad. The time has come when you should go to your goals and realize your dreams. Raise the flag of our country high, make your name popular all over the world. We are always ready to provide you with the necessary assistance, " said Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov.

During the meeting with the heads of the Winter Sports Association of Uzbekistan and the Ice Hockey Federation, issues of increasing attention to children's sports, selecting talented young generation from all regions of the country, and further development of winter sports were discussed in detail.

It should be noted that Salohiddin Azimov signed a contract with the SKA-Yunost club for two years. As his father notes, after this time, he will continue his activities in the club of the state of Tennessee (USA).

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