4 June 2020 3331

10th online meeting. International Children's Day

Our warm meetings continue!

Friends! We share with you a video from the 10th online meeting of the National Olympic Committee team.

The online meeting was dedicated to a beautiful and bright holiday-the International Children's Day. This time, the NOC employees were together with their children, grandchildren and nephews.

At the meeting, the history of the holiday was discussed, and the children specially prepared small creative performances for this important and festive Day: someone read out poems, and someone showed how they can dance.
The children read poems not only in Uzbek and Russian, but also in Karakalpak.
At the end of the meeting, NOKa President Shaabdurakhmanov Rustam Mavzurovich once again congratulated all the children on the holiday and thanked them for their performance.

The National Olympic Committee calls on all teams to remain united, do not forget to call each other, remember that even with remote access, we all remain colleagues and friends!

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