26 October 2021 3075

A new deputy chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan has been elected

Today, the National Olympic Committee hosted an extraordinary reporting and selective conference of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan. The event was attended by the Chairman of the NOC Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov, the head of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan Oybek Norinbayev, the press officers of the OSO "Vatanparvar", coaches of the federation, athletes, representatives of regional divisions and the media.

The event was opened by the Secretary General of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan Mardonbek Davranov. It should be noted that there were three issues on the agenda of the conference:
1. Report on the work done by the Federation for 2021.
2. The program for improving the work of the regional offices of the Federation.
3. Election of the Deputy Chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan.

In his speech, M. Davranov acquainted the audience with the report on the work done by the Federation, noted that the Uzbek shooting sport is developing every year, and in order to thoroughly prepare for such large complex competitions, Hangzhou-2022 and Paris-2024, it is important to pay special attention to the regional branches of the federation.

Then Deputy Minister of Defense for Educational and Ideological Work Karshiev Hamdam Alikulovich was nominated for the post of deputy chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan. The conference participants unanimously supported his candidacy and thus X.Karshiev became Deputy Chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan.

In turn, Hamdam Alikulovich promised that he would justify the trust placed in him. Also, Oybek Norinbayev noted that Hamdam Alikulovich is a true patriot of his country, and at the same time a very responsible person, and it is a great honor to work with such an experienced specialist.

The leadership of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan has been formed:
* Chairman Norinbayev Oybek Kabilzhanovich
• First Deputy Chairman Kadirov Donier Bakhtierovich (currently Deputy Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on coordination of law enforcement and regulatory agencies)
• Deputy Chairman Karshiev Hamdam Alikulovich (currently Deputy Minister of Defense)
• Deputy Chairman Enaliev Ramiz Ravilevich

At the end of the event, the Chairman of the National Olympic Committee Rustam Shaabdurakhmanov and the Chairman of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan Norinbayev Oybek Kabilzhanovich spoke, expressing gratitude to the country's leadership for the support provided and the opportunities created.

Thus, the extraordinary reporting and selective conference of the Shooting Sports Federation of Uzbekistan has completed its work.

Text to speech