13 October 2021 1889

The national Rugby Championship-7 has ended in Nukus

Uzbekistan Rugby Cup-7 among men and women has ended in Nukus. For several days, the best teams of the country competed for victory.

It should be noted that rugby-7 is included in the program of the Olympic Games and this Cup allowed the coaches to evaluate the possibilities of candidates for the national team before the start of the new season. According to the results of the competition, representatives of Karakalpakstan won among men, and the team of Tashkent city won among women.

1. The Republic of Karakalpakstan
2. Navoi
3. "University" (Tashkent city)

1. "University" (Tashkent city)
2. The Republic of Karakalpakstan
3. Khorezm

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