23 September 2021 1645

Our boxers are preparing for the World Cup through a joint training camp with Cuba

The NOC continues meetings dedicated to the participation of our athletes in the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020. An analysis of the participation of our teams in a number of sports was carried out today.

In the first half of the day, the fights of our boxers were in the spotlight. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the NOC Rustam Shoabdurakhmanov, Director of the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports at UZGUM, Professor Rashid Matkarimov, director of the Republican School of Higher Sportsmanship in Martial Arts Bahodir Mamatnazarov, Secretary General of the Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan Murad Mamadaliyev, senior coach of the national team Tulkin Kilichev.

It is worth noting that our fans expected more medals from our boxers at the Olympics. However, most of our representatives were unlucky. Tulkin Kilichev commented on this as follows:

“Our methodology upon arrival in the country where the Olympics will take place 20 days before and adaptation to the climate there, in Tokyo, did not justify itself a little. The reason is that we chose Tokyo for the last meeting. There was very strict control before the Olympics. We were not allowed out of the hotel. We could not leave the isolated hall, kitchen and bedroom. Our boxers were psychologically depressed in such conditions for 20 days. This could not but affect the battles. Yes, there were also shortcomings in the work on some of our guys. And the topic of judges is known to everyone."

During the meeting, the coach said that international training camps with teams whose level is lower than ours will no longer be organized. They also discussed such issues as an individual approach to the preparation of each boxer before the upcoming major competitions, the organization of training seminars every six months to improve the skills of trainers in the regions, the wider use of scientific direction in preparation for the Olympics in Paris-2024.

Preparations for the World Cup, which will be held in Serbia this year, were also discussed separately at the meeting. According to Federation officials, our team will hold the final training camp before the World Championship in Tashkent with Cuba and thus go to Serbia.

Also today, the activities of the archery, table tennis, and field hockey federations were discussed with the head of the NOC, and with the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Sherzod Tashmatov, the activities of such federations as rugby, basketball, which did not receive permits for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. The mistakes made were reviewed and opinions on the new strategy were exchanged. According to him, most federations have approved a plan to prepare for the 2024 Olympics in Paris with foreign coaches. In turn, the leadership of the NOC expressed readiness to provide all necessary assistance in this matter, noting that it is necessary to work with a clear plan for this.

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