10 September 2021 2460

The President presented state awards to the heroes of Tokyo-2020

About awarding a group of athletes and coaches who achieved high results at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

For special merits in the development of physical culture and sports in our country, promotion of a healthy lifestyle among our people, winning great success at many prestigious international competitions, in particular, at the XVI Summer Paralympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, showing courage and dedication, achieving high results, successfully performing as part of the national team, For a significant contribution to raising the world glory of our Motherland and fruitful and exemplary activities to educate the younger generation in the spirit of national pride and patriotism:
1. Reward:

With the honorary title "Uzbekistan Iftikhori"

Safiya Kaimovna Burkhanova-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Kuranbayev Uchkun Umirbekovich-a member of the National Paralympic National Judo team of Uzbekistan

Gulzhanoy Abdullo Kizi Naimova is a member of the National Paralympic Taekwondo team of Uzbekistan

OMONov Bobirjon Zoirjon ugli-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Sayidov Feruz Beshimovich-member of the National Paralympic National Judo team of Uzbekistan

Khamdamova Mohigul Kabayor Kizi-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

"Honored Athlete of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
with an honorary title

Davurkhan Fazil ugli Karomatov-member of the National Paralympic Judo team of Uzbekistan

Kayumova Nozimakhon Nomonzhonovna-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Ruza Rashidovna Kuzieva is a member of the National Paralympic Powerlifting team of Uzbekistan

Kurbanova Nurkhon Gulomjon kyzy-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Mirzayorova Asila Ubaydulla Kizi-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Norbekov Husniddin Kilichboevich-a member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Samandarova Parvina Asad kyzy-member of the National Paralympic Judo team of Uzbekistan

"Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
with an honorary title

Alfiya Gilasdinovna Ibragimova-Judo coach of the Urgench College of the Olympic Reserve

Kamul Grigory Georgievich-coach of the national Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Bobur Sobirovich Kuziev – head coach of the national Paralympic national taekwondo team of Uzbekistan

Azizjon Muratovich Normatov-coach of the Republican School of higher Sports skills in athletics

Sayidov Shamsiddin Beshimovich-coach of the national Paralympic national judo team of Uzbekistan

Khodzhayev Mukhtorkhon Mahsudovich-Chairman of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Khaydarov Mavlonbek Mukhtorovich-track and field coach of the specialized children's and youth sports school for game sports and track and field athletics of the Andijan region

The Order of Valor

Abdukholikov Sardor Abdukholikovich-head coach of the national Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Jamalov Adham Nimatovich-head coach of the national Paralympic national judo team of Uzbekistan

The Order of "Dustlik"

Bilol Khilalovich Agzamov-Head of the Department of Scientific and Methodological support and Innovative Development of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Azizov Abdukakhhor Abdukhapisovich – Secretary General of the Tashkent city regional branch of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Arsen Babayan-coach of the national Paralympic judo team of Uzbekistan

Lutfulla Haji ugli Saudullakhon-head coach of the national Paralympic swimming team of Uzbekistan

Mominjanov Sharipjan Fusailovich-Deputy Chairman of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Umirzokov Fazliddin Abdulbokievich-head coach of the national Paralympic national team of Uzbekistan in powerlifting

Sergey Fedorovich Khorlin-coach of the national Paralympic swimming team of Uzbekistan

Khudayberganov Sardor Kamilovich-track and field coach of the children's and youth sports school of the Shavatsky district of the Khorezm region

Yakubov Yakhebek Sobitalievich-track and field coach of the Ferghana College of the Olympic Reserve

With the medal "For Courage"

Islam Daminovich Aslanov-a member of the National Paralympic Swimming team of Uzbekistan

Sultanov Elbek-ugli is a member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Khalilov Sharif Urinovich-member of the National Paralympic National Judo team of Uzbekistan

Sheripboeva Nafisa Umirbekovna-a member of the National Paralympic National Judo team of Uzbekistan

The medal "future builder"

Tashpulatova Shokhsanamkhon Dilshodbek kyzy-member of the National Paralympic swimming team of Uzbekistan

With the "Shukhrat"Medal

Amilov Ravshanbek Kabildzhanovich-coach of the national Paralympic swimming team of Uzbekistan

Akhmatkhonova Dilafruzhon Vokkoskhonovna-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Akhmedov Farrukh Khurshidovich-Head of the Department for the organization of spiritual, educational and mass events of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Giyazov Temurbek Mahamajon ugli-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Isakova Ziedakhon Abdugaffor Kizi-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in taekwondo

Shokhboz Islamovich Ismailov-Head of the Department for Work with partner organizations and sports Federations of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Kasimov Hasan Sadullayevich-coach of the specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic Reserve No. 2 in the city of Bukhara

Masharipov Shavkat Kuziboyevich-coach of a specialized boarding school for Olympic and national sports in the Bogotsky district of the Khorezm region

Mirzayeva Shakhnoza Shokir Kizi-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in canoeing

Muradova Malikakhon Karimberdievna-Head of the Department for work with the media and the public of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Abror Abdulazizovich Niyazov-Chief Accountant of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Odilov Yarlychbek Olimbek ugli-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Andrey Retunsky-track and field coach of the specialized children's and youth sports school for game sports and track and field athletics of the city of Tashkent

Rikhsimov Mukhammad Shokovich-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Turgunov Izzat Abdurashid ugli-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in athletics

Nodirjon Botirovich Tursunov-doctor of the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Umirzakov Farkhod Sheralievich ugli-member of the National Paralympic Powerlifting team of Uzbekistan

Sherkuziev Haitmurat Bakhtiyor ugli-member of the National Paralympic team of Uzbekistan in canoeing

2. The Cabinet of Ministers shall provide, in accordance with the established procedure, at the expense of the state budget, monetary incentives for athletes and coaches who have shown high results at the Paralympic Games, according to the annex.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev

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