10 August 2021 1938

The heroes of Tokyo 2020 received gifts from the President

The delegation of Uzbekistan, which took part in the XXXII Summer Olympic Games Tokyo-2020, returned to their homeland on a special charter flight. The winners of the Games were welcomed by the heads of the government, the general sports community and thousands of fans.

Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva and Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov met the delegation at the solemn event at the Tashkent International Airport named after Islam Karimov. In turn, the officials conveyed congratulations and best wishes of our President to the Olympians. The event was also attended by Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdujabbor Abduvakhidov, Khokim of the city of Tashkent Zhakhongir Ortikhuzhayev. The athletes were congratulated by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, People's Artist of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan Ozodbek Nazarbekov, People's Poet of Uzbekistan Mahmud Toir, People's Artist of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan Yedgor Sadiyev, People's Artist of Uzbekistan Yulduz Usmanova.

After that, our Olympic champions Akbar Juraev, Ulugbek Rashitov and Bahodir Zhalolov, as well as their mothers, expressed that they were very pleased with the attention paid by the government of the country and expressed gratitude to all residents of Uzbekistan for their support during the competition.

Then the Olympians on special double-decker buses passed through the central streets of Tashkent. They were met by residents of the country.

Then the event continued at the National Olympic Committee. Here, the heroes of the New Uzbekistan were presented with a gift from the President — the champions a car "Tahoe" and a cottage (4 acres), and the bronze medalists — "Trebleizer" and the keys to a two-room apartment.

In turn, the athletes expressed great gratitude to the President and the government of the country for their attention and promised to continue to justify the trust placed in them by raising the flag of the country high-high.

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