31 July 2021 1473

Judo: Uzbekistan-The Netherlands. The composition of the participants is known

Today's Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will be held in the team-mixed judo department. The national team of the Uzbek program in the new state of Utah will go to the plate against the team of the Netherlands. Currently, it has already been called by researchers. According to itogam, the draw is carried out for men in the double category +90 kg. Nashi coaches have selected the following judokas:

+90 kg: Bekmurod Olutaev — Henk Grohl
-57 kg: Pipredi Dira Keldirova-Sanne Upper Hagen
-73 kg: Hikmatilloh Turaev-Tornike Tsyakadea
-70 kg: Gulnoza Textiyazova — Sanne van Dijke
-90 kg: Bobonov State — Noel van Tend
+70 kg: Farangiz Gozieva — Gus Steenhaus

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