15 July 2021 1995

The NOC working group has arrived in Tokyo

Last night, a working group headed by the deputy chairman of the NOC, head of the Operational Staff Sherzod Tashmatov left for the capital of Japan. Currently, our representatives are already in Tokyo and have begun preparations for the arrival of the main delegation.

As required, after arriving in the "land of the rising sun", the NOC working group passed PCR tests at Narita Airport. After a negative result, they started their work. Now our representatives are in the Olympic Village and together with the coordinator of the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee are registering members of the delegation of Uzbekistan.

We remind you that the main part of our delegation will leave for Tokyo on July 19 and will be located in the Olympic Village on July 20 together with representatives of the Uzbek national boxing, taekwondo and judo teams, who are currently conducting the final stage of training in Japan.

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