14 May 2020 3217

Eighth ZOOM Conference

Even the weekends we spend with benefit! Traditional online meetings continue! This is the eighth ZOOM conference, which was marked by three interesting topics from the staff of the National Olympic Committee. Sevara Dekhkonova shared an interesting story of her truly Olympic family, then Rustam Tukhtamishev told about what impressions he had made of the famous "Medeo" in Almaty. Finally, Bahromjon Gaziyev, who devoted a lot of time and effort to this discipline, shared his love for equestrian sports.

Traditionally, at the end of the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to discuss pressing issues and exchange views. At the end of the conference, the President of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, R. M. Shaabdurakhmonov, thanked all the participants and encouraged them to continue their work.

Stay tuned – even more interesting meetings and relevant topics are waiting for you!

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