19 May 2020 3434

Online training is always on schedule!

Today, the National Olympic Committee (NOC) and the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports (IFCS) of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a joint online training session with coaches and athletes of the Wrestling Association. Senior coach of the national team in freestyle wrestling Bazarbayev Abdurauf Abdurazakovich, as well as Akhmedov Arsen Farkhatovich-a foreign coach-consultant in freestyle wrestling, were able to conduct together a number of exercises to maintain physical fitness, which our athletes were happy to perform.

After an active physical warm-up, according to tradition, all participants of this online session had the opportunity to exchange views with each other, where the president of the National Olympic Committee – R. M. Shaabdurakhmonov, summed up with words of gratitude to the athletes, and expressed the readiness of the NOC to support domestic athletes in every possible way. At the end of the broadcast, he also thanked all the coaches and athletes for their hard work and selfless dedication to the common cause.

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