1 October 2021 1823

The best judoists of the country gathered in Urgench

The Uzbekistan Judo Cup among adults started today in the city of Urgench.

557 judoists from Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city and from all regions of the country take part in the competitions, which are held in the sports complex "Yashlik". Athletes compete in 14 weight categories. Also, CSKA judoists participate as a separate team. The fights are watched by 30 judges.

During the first day, guys in two weight categories (-60, -66 kg) and girls in three (-48 kg, -52 kg, -57 kg) climbed the tatami. 262 judoists (196 boys and 66 girls) participate in today's competitions. The final block will start at 17:00.

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