25 September 2021 2200

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree "On comprehensive measures for the development of cycling"

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2020 No. UP-6099 "On measures for the widespread introduction of a healthy lifestyle and the further development of mass sports", as well as in order to increase the popularity of cycling among the population, ensure decent participation and achievement by our national teams in these types of high results in the Olympic and Paralympic, Asian and Para-Asian Games, World Championships and other major competitions:

1. Approve The program for the development of cycling types in 2021-2022 according to Appendix No. 1.

The heads of ministries, departments and organizations should submit information on the progress of the Program to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports on a quarterly basis before the 5th day of the month following the reporting quarter.

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports shall submit to the Cabinet of Ministers on a quarterly basis, until the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, generalized information on the implementation of the Program and this resolution, as well as proposals.

2. Create from 2022/2023 academic year:

Republican boarding school of cycling skills, part of the system of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, funded by the state budget, located at the address: Tashkent city, Almazar district, Mukhbir Street, 12;

in addition, there are 25 departments by types of cycling in children's and youth sports schools and specialized children's and youth sports schools for game sports and athletics;

departments by types of cycling in Bukhara, Karshi, Navoi and Termez Olympic Reserve Colleges.

3.Determine that:

the total contingent of students of the Republican boarding school of cycling skills is 100 people;

the daily food allowance established for students of Olympic Reserve colleges applies to students of the Republican Boarding School of Cycling Skills;

starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, every year students who have successfully passed the exams established by types of cycling are admitted
to the 5th grade of the Republican Boarding School of Cycling Skills;

stimulation of the work of managers, coaches, athletes and other employees of the Republican Boarding School of Cycling Skills is carried out in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers Resolutions No. 275 and No. 276 of December 21, 2005, as well as No. 211 of September 23, 2010.

To the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (A.aBdukhakimov) together with the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan:

within two months, submit to the Cabinet of Ministers, in accordance with the established procedure, a draft government decision on the organization of the activities of the Republican Boarding School of Cycling Skills;

until the 2022/2023 academic year, take measures to open a Republican boarding school for cycling skills, departments for cycling types in children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth sports schools and colleges of the Olympic reserve in accordance with paragraph 2 of this resolution, as well as providing them with the necessary sports equipment, equipment, clothing and equipment in full.

4. To approve the proposals of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan and the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, providing for the 2022/2023 academic year:

step-by-step increase in the current parameters of the state order for admission to study cycling in the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, in all colleges of the Olympic Reserve;

The opening of the bachelor's degree program in cycling in the Nukus and Ferghana branches of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, when forming the parameters of the state order for admission to higher educational institutions for the 2022/2023 academic year, take into account the tasks specified in this paragraph.

5. Form The Sports Club of professional Cyclists of Uzbekistan under the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the Club).

Determine that:

a) the main tasks and activities The clubs are:

obtaining licenses to participate in the Olympic and Paralympic, Asian and Para-Asian Games by participating in prestigious international competitions in all types of cycling;

taking all measures necessary for the accelerated development of cycling in the regions of the republic;

attracting private cycling clubs to participate in international competitions, providing them with organizational
and practical assistance;

taking part in improving the rating position of the national brand "Uzbekistan" in the international rating of national brands of the world "Nationbrands" through participation in international competitions and other events;

b) sources of financing activities The clubs are:

funds allocated from the state budget for the implementation of state programs for the development of physical culture and sports;

funds of the Tourism and Sports Support Fund;

income received from the implementation of economic activities and the provision of services on a contractual basis;

charitable donations of individuals and legal entities, including non-residents;

grants from international and foreign organizations;

other sources not prohibited by legislative acts;

c) The Club is allowed to have bank accounts for its representative offices abroad with the permission of the Central Bank;

d) the following procedure is established for maintaining bank settlement accounts of the Club's representative offices abroad:

settlements with representative offices abroad are made in the national currency of foreign countries and in freely convertible currency;

the servicing commercial bank ensures the transfer of free currency funds in the amount specified in the Club's application to the settlement accounts of its representative offices abroad;

The expenses of the Club's representative offices abroad are made on the basis of the cost estimates approved by the Club;

e) The Ministry of Justice, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the application of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, provide it with practical and organizational assistance on issues related to the opening of separate divisions of the Club in Europe, Asia and other foreign countries, as well as in its re-registration.

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports, together with the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, to establish a full and effective activity of the Club, to ensure the participation of members of national cycling teams in international competitions, to provide the Club with inventory, sportswear, food, dietary supplements, vitamins, equipment, materials and necessary medical supplies in order to strengthen its material and technical base in accordance with the established procedure.

6. Create a Republican Council for the Development of Cycling (hereinafter referred to as the Council) and approve its composition in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

Define the main tasks of the Council:

effective organization and coordination of work on the identification, selection and selection (selection) of talented youth, as well as their training as professional cyclists;

attracting investments and grant funds for the construction and expansion of cycling infrastructure in the regions, identifying and putting into practice other necessary measures;

wide promotion and popularization of cycling types in educational institutions, among young people, assistance in increasing public interest in this sport;

assistance in conducting competitions in cycling and cycling marathons, attracting grants from international and foreign organizations in this direction, charitable donations from individuals and legal entities, including non-residents;

putting forward new legislative initiatives aimed at improving socio-economic conditions for the development of cycling, as well as ensuring the achievement of high sports results and reviewing existing legislative acts.

7. To take note that, in accordance with a special resolution of the United Nations General Assembly adopted on April 12, 2018, June 3 has been declared World Bicycle Day.

To establish an order according to which bike marathons at a distance of at least 15-20 km are held annually on June 3 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent by attracting different segments of the population.

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of the regions and the city of Tashkent, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan annually, until May 1, develop programs for organizing and holding bike marathons at a high level, providing:

determination of specific venues and routes of bike marathons;

creation of bicycle rental opportunities (bike sharing) in the venues of bike marathons;

ensuring road safety at the venues and on the routes of bike marathons;

advance notification of citizens, including drivers of vehicles, about the venues and routes of bike marathons, prevention of traffic jams;

awarding the winners and prize-winners of bike marathons with valuable gifts;

attracting participants who have successfully participated in bike marathons to professional cycling, accepting them to study at sports and educational institutions;

extensive coverage of bike marathons in the media, the Internet and social networks;

wide promotion of the bicycle as a simple, inexpensive, reliable, environmentally friendly and acceptable mode of transport;

assistance in the dissemination of information about June 3 - World Bicycle Day.

8. To approve the proposals of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan, the National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan and the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan on the annual organization in the traditional form starting from 2022:

multi-day international road and mountain cycling races in the Tashkent region - "Oqtosh-Chorvoq-Mountain", the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Samarkand region - "Save-Aral";

multi-day international cycling races in track cycling in Tashkent - "Silk-Roadtashkent", in Namangan - "Silk-Roadnamangan";

international cycling race by type of cycling motocross (BMX Racing) in the Jizzakh region – "Zaamin-Cup";

the international competition in the type of cycling freestyle (BMX Freestyle) in the city of Tashkent – "Tashkent-Grandprix".

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Tourism and Sports A. Abdukhakimov, National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan, National Paralympic Committee of Uzbekistan and Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan:

jointly with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of the Jizzakh, Namangan, Samarkand, Tashkent regions and the city of Tashkent to approve the "road maps" within two months on the thorough preparation and high-level conduct of cycling races and international competitions specified in this paragraph. At the same time, the sources of reimbursement of financial expenses related to the conduct of cycling races and international competitions should be determined by sponsorship funds, funds from local budgets and other funds;

to ensure the participation of the strongest international athletes, experienced coaches and judges with high ratings in cycling races and international competitions along with the athletes of our country;

starting from January 1, 2022, ensure the inclusion of cycling competitions and tournaments in the republican, regional and district (city) calendar plans of sports and physical culture events and take measures to hold them at a high level.

9. The Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction (D.kUchkarov), together with the Ministry of Tourism and Sports (A.aBdukhakimov) and the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, ensure inclusion in the Program for the Development of Social and Industrial Infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022 and Subsequent years:

construction on the territory of the Bostanlyk district of the Tashkent region of a sports facility for cycling, designed for republican and international competitions in road cycling. At the same time, the complex includes a dormitory with 50 beds, a dining room with 50 seats, a gym, a medical center, a bicycle repair shop, a bicycle storage room, changing rooms and showers, as well as other necessary infrastructure facilities that meet international standards, equipped with modern inventory and equipment;

construction of a closed-type sports facility on the territory of the Samarkand district of the Samarkand region, intended for holding republican and international competitions in track cycling. At the same time, the facility includes a dormitory with 50 beds, a dining room with 50 seats, a gym, a medical center, a bicycle repair shop, a bicycle storage room, changing rooms and showers, as well as other necessary infrastructure facilities that meet international standards, equipped with modern inventory and equipment;

construction of the Republican Boarding school of cycling skills and the administrative building of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan at the address: Tashkent city, Almazar district, Mukhbir Street, 12. At the same time, the boarding school includes a dormitory for 100 beds, a dining room for 100 seats and an educational building for 100 students that meet international standards.

In order to hold prestigious international cycling sports competitions among professionals and amateurs at a high level, when forming a program for the development of the social and industrial infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan, take into account the applications of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan for the repair of highways at the appropriate addresses and sites.

The Ministry of Construction (Zakirov B.) to provide a comprehensive examination of the design and estimate documentation for the construction of sports facilities specified in this paragraph on the basis of innovative technologies from affordable, energy-saving and prefabricated lightweight structures and materials, as well as to establish permanent state architectural and construction control over the quality of construction and installation work.

Khokimiyat of Tashkent region (Hidoyatov D.) together with the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan in coordination with the directorate of the cHarvak free tourist zone by the end of this year, take measures to allocate 0.5 hectares of land area in the territory Bostanlyk district Tashkent region for the construction of a sports complex for cycling, designed for holding national and international competitions in road cycling, on the basis of the right of permanent use.

The Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region (E. Turdimov), together with the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, will take measures to allocate an appropriate land area in the territory by the end of this year Samarkand district Samarkand region for the construction of a closed-type sports facility on a bicycle track, intended for holding republican and international competitions in track cycling, on the basis of the right of permanent use.

10. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokimiyats of the regions and the city of Tashkent together with the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan:

to allocate 40 units of bicycles annually to the territorial divisions of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, as well as to ensure the safety of cyclists, to provide each territorial division 2 units of the DAMAS brand motor vehicle at the expense of the overfulfilled part of the revenues of local budgets;

to take measures necessary for the implementation of the full-fledged activities of the territorial divisions of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, including assistance in strengthening their financial
and logistical base;

in order to promote a healthy lifestyle and popularize cycling among the population, regularly organize cycling races among amateurs at the district (city) and regional levels and allocate funds from the relevant local budgets for these purposes;

create private cycling clubs in each region, consisting of amateurs and professional athletes.

11. To the Ministry of Finance (T. iShmetov):

a) from 2022 to ensure the inclusion in the parameters of the state budget of the funds necessary for the implementation of the measures defined by this resolution;

b) in accordance with the reasonable calculations submitted by the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, taking into account the obligations assumed under the concluded agreements, to ensure from 2021 the allocation of funds necessary for the maintenance and formation of the material and technical base of the Club at the expense of funds allocated annually from the state budget to the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan and for the implementation of state programs for the development of physical education and sports, in particular:

until October 1, 2021 – 10 billion soums;

starting from 2022 – annually.

12. Exempt from customs duty, for a period up to September 1, 2024, sports equipment, equipment, clothing and equipment, food and nutritional supplements, vitamins, devices and materials, new and special vehicles and trailers intended for the transportation of bicycles, from the date of release of which no more than seven years have passed, imported according to the lists formed in accordance with the established procedure, in order to strengthen the material and technical base of the Club and departments by types of cycling of sports and educational institutions and higher educational institutions.

13. The National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan and the UzReport News Agency should prepare TV and radio programs to highlight the essence, content and practical significance of this resolution, special broadcasts, articles and videos about the professional activities of athletes, regularly cover briefings and press conferences.

To provide the Cinematography Agency with the preparation of short videos about the path they have traveled, starting with cycling to the achievement of high results by young people, participation in prestigious competitions, and their current life.

14. The National Anti-Doping Agency (N. Tursunov) within a month to approve and take measures to implement the cycling program, which provides:

motivation of athletes and coaches to "transparent sport";

carrying out measures to improve the level of culture and literacy of athletes and coaches in the field of health protection, as well as the correct use of medicines and other substances with pharmacological effects in sports;

providing athletes with relevant educational and informational materials and various visual information on anti-doping topics;

implementation of effective anti-doping control over strict compliance by athletes with anti-doping rules.

15. The Ministry of Tourism and Sports, until October 1, 2021, to take measures to accommodate the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan in a building located at the address: Tashkent city, Yunusabad district, Abdullah Kadiri Street, 2-a, on the basis of the right of gratuitous use.

16. Within two months, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports shall submit proposals to
the Cabinet of Ministers on amendments and additions to legislative acts arising from this resolution.

17. Assign to the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports Karimov A.K., Chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan Shaabdurakhmanov R.M., the leadership of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, as well as the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent are personally responsible for the effective organization of the implementation of this resolution.

The discussion of the implementation of this resolution, coordination and control over the activities of responsible organizations should be entrusted to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.A. Abdukhakimov and Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abduvakhitova A.A.

Inform the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the effectiveness of the measures implemented annually until January 1.


President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh .MIRZIYOYEV

Tashkent City,

September 24, 2021

Text to speech